der schöne morgen

Ich wühlte gern hitzig in deinem Haar, Sage mir: Reden die Locken wahr? Die Locken werfen sich voll und rund Wie tolle Bäche an meinen Mund.

Und jeder Lockenleib wild sich rollt, Als ob er mit Glut mir zufliegen wollt. Ich möchte vor Lust mein Herz zerbrechen, Mit tausend Splittern zu dir sprechen.

Max Dauthendey



Distant of illusions

The paths that I once tread have all but gone. Only embers now smoulder where bridges once burned. I feel alive and yet I fear what may happen now. I know I can't return.

And I hear me say again 'oh let me not return'. Damn the illusion of redemption and the hopes that held me here. I will oppose all that would befall me. With this rage inside of me I will defy what I would become.

The solitude and anger that do battle inside me will always guide me to the answers that I know I may not see. They are the bonds that hold me tighter. They are the chains that weigh on me. One day I know they will be gone.

Can I start again and erase this pain by casting doubts into the waters, asking judgement of the sea. Though fortune may guide to the fools I have no wish to be free until I am gone.

VNV Nation - Distant



die geschichte deiner sehnsucht

dunkle weite blicke deiner seele schreien nach eine nuance wohl dosiert auf der nassen haut damit die dämonen aus den poren dringen und mich an deinen leib fesseln

hände die versuchen den winzigen moment der unendlichkeit zu packen es bleiben kleine risse in der haut die die geschichte deiner sehnsucht erzählen © DD



My only purpose here is to fill your heart's desire

Well I suppose you're wondering just why you're here with me In case you haven't guessed, this is my fantasy. Love it, cause you can't leave it, this is my domain.. I am king here and this is where I reign.

So try to make the most of this sad situation because, believe it or not, this is your mind's creation. You seem a little nervous inside, so why not just relax, sit back , enjoy the ride. Now there's really no need to feel upset because believe it or not you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Things could be much worse, and you could be hurled, back through the gates of hell into the other world. Since you're here with me for who knows how long, why not worship me and we could get along. for I am the prince of all your nightmares and if you give in to me there's no need to get scared.

Sit back,start to fly. So you see it's not that bad there's no need to get depressed, no need to feel sad. My only purpose here is to fill your heart's desire, My only wish for you is to set your heart on fire.

Louis Tillet



Trockenes Salz

Das trockene Salz aus deinen Augen streichelt mein Kopfkissen

Ich atme langsam in mich hinein dein Lächeln hinter der Mauer

Deine Scham benetzt zärtlich meine traurigen Wunden

Patryk Dawid Chlastawa
