"Donald Rumsfeld needs to wear iced underwear because of some medical condition, and he has his secret service detail hold his spares. He was recently getting uncontrollable long-term erections and had to change up his medical treatments."

"President Bush uses anti-depressant medication, a lot of it, at a stupendous dosage, and he is hiding it from the American public. This is the real reason he stopped drinking. Because of the dosage, he is also impotent."

"Word among the staff is that Cheney was drunk when he shot that lawyer, and secluded himself for a day to sober up and avoid felony firearms charges. I don't have any direct information on this because the guys with him at the time are not talking. "

"Dick Cheney has chronic gum problems and his breath smells like shit as a result. He is also a CLOSE TALKER. "

"Despite all of this craziness, there is nothing strange whatsoever about Condoleeza Rice. She is completely balanced and normal, if slightly robotic in her personal demeanor. She smells very nice at all times. She does, however, constantly check her investments online from her office when she thinks that nobody is looking, and she has slept at her desk on multiple occasions."

Sehr, sehr. sehr unterhaltsamer Forumsbeitrag in einem US Forum, von jemanden, der sagt, dass er im Weißen Haus arbeitet. Ich hab mir auf den 21 Seiten meist nur seine Beiträge durch gelesen, und den Eindruck bekommen, dass manches durchaus wahr sein könnte.

Via dem immer sehr unterhaltsamen Fefe